There’s nothing like having conversations with the people you are reaching. It’s motivating, inspiring, heartbreaking, encouraging, challenging, time-consuming, but also rewarding.

Follow-up to a weekend service is critical to any church or organization, especially after your first introduction.

Here are a couple benefits I’m discovering about the follow-up system we have:

  • It keeps us focussed on the people and not just numbers.
  • It keeps you grounded to what the people need and not what you think they need to hear.
  • It helps them have another opportunity to connect. People with stay with the organization they connect with.
  • It’s to add value to the person you are following up with. It let’s them know you care when you make it about them and not what your agenda is.
  • It motivates to be better.
  • It helps you identify and celebrate the wins.
  • It gives you fuel to do it all over again.

What have you learned as you have developed your follow-up system in your organization?


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