Tomorrow we finish our Cow Tipping series with the whole church gathered at Theater in the Park. We have enjoyed this series as we have been tipping some “sacred cows” questioning our traditions in the light of truth.
We bent our creative pieces toward the cartoon/South Park motif. Wes, our video guru found a website that will create a South Park like character for you in high resolution. We then recorded a dialogue between Troy and Dan and pitched their voices and created the following rumors for each week.
Week one: Christians in a Pickle Jar
Sacred Cow
God picks us, God saves us, and God keeps us – and that is all there is to it.
The truth of scripture: God does pick us, save us and keep us – but that is only the start! God also calls us, sends us and uses us.
Week two: Jesus and Politics
Sacred Cow
When it comes to politics, Jesus is a member of my political party.
The truth of scripture: Jesus’ purpose is higher than politics.
Week three: Grace is Cheap but it Ain’t Free
Sacred Cow
Now that I’m saved, I can live however I want.
Jesus came to give you life… not just life insurance!
Week four: Supersize Me
Sacred Cow
God doesn’t care how we treat our body, he’s only concerned for our soul.
Your body was made by God, for God, to honor God.
Video Link coming soon.