We began a new series yesterday called Sent. We are addressing the big idea that we are all priests and we all have a parish.

Yesterday we clarified the calling that every Christ Follower is a chosen, royal priest with a sacred duty to be holy and planted in this world.

We are trying to shift the culture and DNA of the local church from us/them, pastor/congregation mentality, to we are all called to the Great Commission.

To follow Christ is to obey what he told us to do. He told us to fish for men. To follow is to fish. To deny that is to ignore your call and to deny Christ’s cross. That’s strong language. But it’s true.

To follow is to fish. We are all called. No one stands a part. We share this mission together.

You can listen to the message here.

We had a little fun with the message by putting Pastor Dan in Monk Robe. Yes… it’s Friar Dan!

Worship Set

For the music set, I was honored that we opened up with a song I wrote the chorus for called “Send Me.” Troy put the verses to it and Jason created the arrangement. I’ve never been a songwriter who can craft an entire song. I do come up with choruses a lot and it’s good to have others who can take it to another level.

We introduced a new Hillsong United song called NOVA. It was a fun song to play with. You can watch Sunday’s worship set here and hear these two tunes in our whole set. (Look for the series SENT: God Calling)

As a creative moment between Nova and Take My Life, we had a reflective moment where we played an arrangement of “I Surrender All.”  We then showed on the back screen scriptures that talked about following Jesus and surrendering to him. The feedback we’ve received from this has been nothing but positive.

Send Me (Troy Kennedy & Kasey Robinson)
Nova (Hillsong United: Aftermath)
Scripture Reflection
Take My Life (Hymns Ancient and Modern)

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