Sunday was the launch of a new series called “Raising G-Rated Kids in an R-Rated World.” Over the next 6 weeks, we will be equipping families to deal with the tension of teaching their kids Biblical values in a culture where these values have shifted and have been redefined.

Sunday was our first approach to redefining these values and we talked about “Affection.”

Here were the highlights from the message:

  • Our greatest opportunity to change the world for Christ is the kids God has put in our lives.
  • We must become affectionate and quit blaming our upbringing for the lack of.
  • We must learn our kid’s love languages.
  • Ask Jesus for a heart like his.

Set List

We have been doing a lot of original music lately. Here is a list of what we did this week.

  • Salvation is Here (mash up with Carry on My Wayward Son – you’d just have to experience it) | Hillsong United
  • 24 Hours | Troy Kennedy
  • Better Than Life | Troy Kennedy
  • It is Well | Todd Fields

New Stage Design

The idea was to make the stage look like an old movie theater. We scavenged the Kansas side of the metro for all the crushed velvet material we could find to get enough fabric to create 2 curtains on either side of our center screen.

We then took 4 pipe and drape poles to fly them and bought to tassel ropes from Hobby Lobby to pull them back to give the appearance of the drape.

To eliminate the bleed of the projectors on the drape, we made a graphic cut-out that would crop the area that was being projected and layered it in using our Vista Pro software.

To make the curtains stand out, we took a pure red color and applied it in the cropped region so the projectors would project the red on the curtain and make it illuminate. It was nice.

We are now live online with our online campus each Sunday at 10a, 11:30, 5p &6:30p. Pastor Jason has been working tirelessly with 360network to launch the online campus and we have had over 100 people attending the last 2 weeks.

Click here to watch last weeks message.

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