Here are some highlights from the 1st Session of the Leadership Summit with Bill Hybels:
Leading in a New Way
Rogue Waves
- Rogue Waves provide opportunities for success
- Rogue Waves draw something out of us that calm sees never will
- Leaders, lead strong through crisis.
- In a crisis, “Cash is King.” (people are hungry to hear about money management)
Money in a Crisis
- You must manage your money well.
- When reducing staff: 1) Give months of notice 2) Be clear on the cause 3) Be generous
- Hold the powerful accountable and advocate for the powerless
- Church Budget: 50% staff, 10% Give away, 10% buffer money for booming ministries, 15% Ministry budget, 15% Facilities, utilities, & debt
Pace to a new Reality
- Is the pace that I am doing the work of God destroying God’s work in me?
- What am I planning to neglect?
- What am I planning to replenish me?
- Romans 8:6 (life full of life & peace)
- When you listen to God gently, you hearĀ him fore frequently
Leading Services
- Improve the quality of the weekend service by extending the beginning (pre-service prepares for the service) and blurring the ending (opportunities of continued ministry).
- The actual service then is “All Killer No Filler”