Fox News had a segment on the The Green Bible
this morning. It was very interesting.

You can view the segment here.

This Bible, published by Harper Bibles, is made out of 100% recycled material and is a study Bible highlighting scriptures that point to caring for the earth and it’s environment. 

The arguments that the representative for the Green Bible  referenced as the main complaints against it are that:

  1. The world will not last forever and will be destroyed eventually. So why take worry about it.
  2. Christians should be more concerned about making disciples for Christ and not preaching about having a carbon footprint. 

These are valid points but I do believe that we need to be responsible for the things God has given us. (To much is given, much is required.)

My thoughts are that Christians should care for the environment but our first priority is to Love God (Mathew 22:37) and second is to Love People (Matthew 22:38). Loving the earth is way down the list.

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