We are now official residents of Linda and Jon Willard (Cassie’s Parents). We finished loading the PackRat yesterday. Check out this pic.Needless to say, it is full. I wore out our new beast of a dog “Lewis.” Oh yeah, since we lost Lucy a couple of weeks ago, God decided we needed another one, cause a coworker of Cassie’s asked if she would want a dog. We’re suckers.
Today we took out the last of the boxes… like 2, and fixed a couple of things. The new owner signs on Monday and takes over. We then went to the pool and are going to get pizza and a movie tonight. It’s nice not to have to pack. But it will be even nicer when we’re unpacking in a home of our own.
Hopefully we’ll hear back on the offer we placed 2 weeks ago on the house in Shawnee.