My sin does a poor job filling the void only Jesus can fill. 

My sin can be identified when I recognize the restlessness in my soul.  Augustine penned it so well years ago, “our hearts are restless until they find rest in God.”

When I can identify where my soul is restless I can identify where my human nature will seek a counterfeit replacement for the rule of Jesus. 

If I long for acceptance, my soul will begin searching for acceptance. If my soul looks for acceptance in anyone other than Jesus, I sin. I fall short of what I am created to be. 

Tullian Tjividjian writes in “Jesus+Nothing=Everything,” “whatever indicators of restlessness you did discover, at whatever level, I believe the reason for it’s being there is this: we’re trying to find our rest in something smaller than Jesus.” (p35)

He goes on to write that where we are restless is where we need a confrontation with the Gospel. 

The good news is that whatever is causing the restlessness in your life is something Jesus has specifically and completely secured already for you and I. All we have to do is receive it. Just like we receive His salvation.

Our problem is we don’t look to Jesus first as the source of our approval, identity, comfort, relief, peace, satisfaction, contentment, achievement, success, acceptance, and I could go on. 

Truth is Jesus is all of these for you and me. Anytime we search for anything to fill the vacuum in our souls other than the Savior of our souls, Jesus, we sin. The sin is a sin of displacement. We place something else on the place Jesus was meant to fill. 

Jesus died so we could be saved. Saved is a complete restoration. In Greek, it’s “sozo” meaning made whole or complete. 

In Jesus I am everything in need to be. I don’t have to pretend to be anyone else. I am complete in Him and Holy Spirit is making me new every day. 

In Jesus I have everything I need. I am accepted, loved, adopted, healed, restored, important, and content. 

In Jesus, I lack nothing because He is everything. 

My restlessness reveals where Jesus wants to be good news to me. That void is the dashboard light of where Jesus wants to fill. 

To what are you looking to fill the void only Jesus was meant to fill? What habit has gripped you that you first hoped it would give you peace, hope, love, or acceptance? What relationship is bringing you comfort instead of Jesus? What activity is bringing you joy in place of Jesus?

If you can identify the void where you are making a counterfeit substitution in the place only Jesus can fill, then you are one step closer to being fulfilled. 

“…and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬ (NIV)

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