If each church is part of the Church Jesus is building (Matthew 16:18) then it is imperative we reflect the mission of God.
I love how WFCSA is a reflection of the heartbeat of God for Port Elizabeth.
Every week there is a variety of people.
Different Contexts.
Some have followed Jesus for many years. Others for days. And the ones I’m excited for—those who are not following Jesus but exploring it. Today we had a man here for the third time. It is his third time ever in a church. He is Muslim.
Different Countries and Cultures.
Jesus didn’t come for one nationality. He came for the world. The diverse, mosaic of people He has created. The church should reflect His heart and accept those outside our cultural connect.
So they have a different accent or even language. They have traditions I don’t have. They are important to Jesus so they are important to us.
Different Classes.
You could find Jesus with the extremely poor and the extremely wealthy. He didn’t show favoritism to one group over the other. Neither should the church.
I love the fact I could introduce you to friends on Sunday who spent last week on the street and you could see them talking to a man or woman who spent last week in the boardroom.
Culture, context and class may be different but we all know we are the same. Broken people who need Jesus.
Since we know Jesus has given us something so amazing in His love and grace, we can’t help but to make room for more.
More people who are broken, looking to be restored.
More people who are rejected and looking for acceptance.
More people who are needing value.
More people who are pursuing fainting achievements but need of finding rest in knowing Jesus.
More people who are exhausted trying to find significance but need to find their identity in Jesus.
To paraphrase William Temple:
The church is the only gathering who exists for those not there.
Westside Family Church South Africa is joining Jesus on His mission by reaching out to those who are not here. We won’t stop either because we believe can reach one more.