On Sunday I get to teach on Easter. I’ve never done this and I can’t wait to do it! If you think of WFC South Africa or the Robinson’s on Easter Sunday, say a prayer for our First Easter Services.

We have been passing out invites like crazy. Yesterday, we gave out free water bottles with an invite attached to it. The response to receiving something free from a church created a buzz, so much, that when Cassie went to the gym this morning, people were talking about receiving the free bottle of water from the church up the road.

Love it. And I’ll love it more when people get to hear about the resurrection on Sunday!


2 thoughts on “Another “I’ve Never…”

  1. We’re coming to your Easter service tomorrow, pray you and your family get a good night’s sleep tonight!

    We’ve been warming pews for so long, searching for a good fit church for us, I trust God will lead us in our search.

    1. Liz, I just saw this! Thank you so much for coming and visiting us on Easter. I hope you and your family enjoyed your time sitting in a chair and not a pew 🙂
      Have a great week and remember there will be no church service this weekend due to the Iron Man Race. We will BE The Church and serve our community. Would love to have you or Kevin join us, but I understand how it gets complicated with kids. Have a great week! – Kasey

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