Today, I ate a donut. Not just any donut either. A Lamar’s Donut – Thanks Jared! Why? Because my 21 day Daniel fast is over. As I was reflecting about my 21 days, while enjoying every bite sending my body into a sugar coma, I recalled some of the highlights from the fast:

The Circle Maker (By Mark Batterson)

The Circle Maker, by Mark Batterson was a great read to inspire you to pray and be persistent and bold in what you pray for. I highly recommend it to you.

I Started Journaling

Well, I started to journal more frequently. Reading the circle maker gave me more fuel to be consistent with this practice, that I actually began before Christmas, but wasn’t consistent in my entries.

There are 4 focuses of my journaling.

  • A place to record what God is revealing to me through scripture and prayer
  • A place to record my prayers. “Drawing a circle around my prayers”
  • A place to record my dreams.
  • A place to thank God for His continual displays of grace on my family.

I don’t accomplish all four each day, but I’m pushing myself to be more disciplined in this process.

It is all part of enforcing my 20 mile march (coined by Jim Collins in the book “Great by Choice”).

I’ve Modified My Diet

Eating mostly fruits, veggies & nuts have been a huge adjustment and price. Especially, since I love a good Five Guys Burger. But the purpose of a fast is giving up something you need to replace it with something-someONE you need more.

In giving up red meats and bread, I have felt healthier. So much that I’ve decided to modify my diet and eat less red meats and bread. (Except for the Lamar’s donut that Jared brought me today)

Praying for My New Baby and My Pregnant Wife

Yup, it’s official – we’re going to have another kiddo. I have been using the time to pray for a healthy child and a healthy pregnancy for my wife. We are excited!

I Really Like Coke Zero

I think I missed Coke Zero more than I missed the meat. I know that sounds bad, but do you realize how good that stuff tastes? I will not be modifying that part of my diet. I’ll just reduce my intake…. a little.

Changed Bible Reading

I’ve changed my approach this year. For the last 10 years, I’ve read the Bible through each year. This year I am taking a new version of the Bible called “The Voice” and taking my my time going through it. I started in Romans and I am loving the new insight I’m getting as I journal and pray.

Increased General Reading

I believe I read close to 20 books last year. This year I want to at least read 24 books. I’m not a skimmer as some can do. I have to read and highlight and import my notes into my Evernote account.

I am a firm believer that leaders are readers. I want to equip myself and sharpen my saw so I can fulfill my potential that God has placed in me.

I Need to Set Goals

I’ve never been a goal setter. I’m always pushing myself to improve and grow mentally, spiritually and physically. However, I’ve never quantified my growth in goals. I’m starting to dream bigger and pray bigger and that means I need to start setting landmarks in goals so I can know I’m on the right path.

2012 is Going to Be a Life-Changing Year

I’m praying that I lead my family into the will of God this year so we see it become a year where the kingdom of God is advanced and lives are changed because of our influence.

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