New Year

It’s a New Year, and with it comes New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t know what yours are, but one of mine is to read the Bible in 90 days.

With New Year’s Resolutions comes change and transformation. 2010 is going to be just that for the Robinson house. Here are just a couple of the changes that are transforming Cassie and:

  • We’re having a baby! (Due first of June)
  • I have changed positions and am now the Campus Pastor for our Olathe Campus.
  • Cassie will finish her RHIA degree in May (Did I mention we are having a baby in June?)

As you can imagine, 2010 will transform the way we live.

New Position

I am now the Campus Pastor of our New Olathe Campus. Last Sunday was a stripped down service with our volunteers and it was my first Sunday as the new Campus Pastor. I forgot how much I love studying and preparing to speak. I will not speak every week, but with the volunteer service, I was able to speak and I really enjoyed it. The weather worked against us receiving several inches of snow, but it didn’t take away from the excitement of the possibilites that lie ahead.

This Sunday will be our 1st Service in the new location. We are excited to go full speed ahead. We will start with two serviceĀ opportunities, 9:30a & 11a. For directions to the campus, click here.

We begin a new series this week called “Christian???” We are redefining what it means to be a Christian. You won’t want to miss.

New Challenges

Probably, you have already been putting together a list of challenges that you see coming to Cassie and I. As have we. There are many unknowns that are present, but with what we do know, the challenges are big.

  • Having a child and adjusting your schedules and learning to become a parent.
  • Pastoring and all of its challenges.
  • Cassie studying for finals while being way prego.

While the challenges of 2010 can seem overwhelming at times, we are truly excited about it and everyday, we are praying for the wisdom to make it through this day.

One step at a time. Transformation. Change. 2010.

In 2010 our lives are going to transform, one step at a time.

I’m glad that I have God on our side and that He will be with us the entire way.

What challenges are you facing in 2010?

Comment to this post and let us know what challenges you are facing this year. What changes do you see coming your way?

2 thoughts on “New Year. New Position. New Challenges.

  1. Dude – I can't begin to espress how excited I am for you guys. The new position couldn't have been given to a more deserving and passionate guy. Congrats and good luck with all the asjustment, I know you'll do great and we'll be praying for you!

  2. I am so excited for everything that God is allowing you to take on in 2010. You will thrive in all areas.

    My challenge is finishing up the book I am writing. Having talks with a publisher. Exciting times šŸ™‚

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