The Prodigal Son
with Tim Keller
My Thoughts
I’ll admit. I was engrossed in what Tim was teaching. I was convicted, inspired, and motivated to pursue the Father and be an older brother who is willing to go after the younger brother despite losing my inheritance.
I’ll again post some links to other blogs that have more in depth notes than I do.
The Older Brother
- Believe God owed him
- Responded to criticism with destruction by being demoralized because he is about his image and the way he appears to people
- Get’s angry when things don’t go well or as planned
- Easy for him to look down on others
- Note: You can’t stay angry and bitter without having a superior stance
- Renewal comes from repentance for the reason/motives of your right doings
The Younger Brother
- Alienated from the Father. Actually both are alienated from the Father. Neither love the father. They just love his things and use the Father as a means to the end.
- We need to see what the cost is to bring the younger brother home. We need to count the cost.
- The older brother should have brought back the younger brother
- Christ is the example of the perfect older brother
- The Gospel is neither religion or irreligion or moral/immoral.
- Religion says: Because I obey, I’m accepted.
- The Gospel says: Because I’m accepted, I obey.
- Work This into Your Heart Yourself.
- Make Sure Teaching isn’t Moralistic by Gospel Centered
- Teach and Work it Into Your Leaders
- Teach and Work it Into Your Congregation
- Take the Whole Church At Once