The weekend after Easter is always a finnicky (not sure if this is spelled correctly bcause my iPhone didn’t recommend something else). It is the weekend after a big outreach effort where your hopes are high of having a large number of return guests who were 1st timers or your C.E.O.’s (Christmas Easter Onlys).
One dilemma is that you just taxed your volunteers the weekend before and you don’t want to put too much on them to where you burn them out. But you don’t want to cut back the drive because you do want to give it your best efforts.
My philosophy for Easter is that of any other weekend outreach: what you catch them with is what you need to feed them.
Meaning this: be who you are on your outreaches so you don’t defraud your newbies when they return the following week only to be disappointed that you weren’t the same.
At Westside, that’s what we did. We did Easter like we did this weekend with just a little more music.
On saturday night I had the opportunity to lead worship and before the service I encouraged our team to worship and lead with the same energy and passion that they did the weekend before.
Why? Because we need to be the same this week as we were last week.
After reviewing the service videos today I was encouraged on how well the sat and Sun teams did in leading our people.
Even though our numbers were down from what I expected to have, our services were great.
Our set was:
Let God Arise
In the Splendor
Teach Me to Love You
Revelation Song
What I Need
I’d like to commend all the musicians for all their preparation they did this weekend and the production team for making the weekend experience flow so smoothly!