Today was a day of meetings:
9a. Worship Arts Team meeting
11.3a. Lunch with Jared, Jason and Joe (hey I was the odd man out – my name doesn’t start wit a “J” – however Joe was the only person there without an iPhone)
2p. SWOT assessment

That was the first time I have done this exercise. SWOT stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is set up in 4 quadrants and is used to help you identify your areas of improvement while focussing on your strengths.

Here is what we came up with to fill our quadrants:

Those present then mark the 5 ones that hold the highest importance to them. Then as a team you see what’s the most important and those common items become your focus in the team.

Here is what the board looked like after we marked our items:

Since this was my first time doing this exercise I am haven’t seen the full benefit from it. However, it is always good for a team to realize its strengths and weaknesses and identify all opportunities and threats that lie ahead.

3 thoughts on “My First SWOT experience

    1. Nope. It is something that our Executive Pastor led us through. If you google it you will several different explanations of it. It's interesting stuff.

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