I’m sitting in my big recliner, that Cassie keeps threatening to get rid of, watching the Cowboys qb Roma talk about their win tonight.
Looking back on today, it had it’s ups and it’s downs. One up was I led worship in the Venue today. One down was I totally for the words to the first verse of “You Never Let Go.” How many times have I sung that tune?… Over 40 at least and I forget the words?… really Robinson. I was a little preoccupied.
Around 8a. this morning the whole campus lost power for a split second. The bad thing is that we have a lot of our equipment that runs off IP adresses, so it took them a while to get back on, and Jared our TD was scrambling to get things up and going for the 1st service. So in the back of my head I’m thinking, “What happens if the power goes out. Worship we can cover, but the message… just have everyone go in the auditorium? Do I get Larry to preach? Could I preach? I would love to preach but I don’t have any notes… wait it’s “You Never Let Go” and what is the first verse?
Another up: Our Venue band did a great job. We only had Lori on Keys, Shelly on Acoustic, and Paul on Bass. They did a great job of providing energy without the drums and engaging God and the congregation.
Another down: The bridge on the Hillsong song “You Are My Strength” starts off like the chorus of “Your Love Oh Lord” by Third Day. I practiced this and practiced this bridge. Got it in my head only to default back to Marc Bird singing “Your love, oh Lord, is like a mighty mountain…” instead of “Your love oh Lord, reaches to the heavens.” I even sang the melody like third day’s arrangement.
Another up: The 5pm band came in prepared with music rehearsed for rehearsal. Imagine that concept! Coming to your rehearsal, rehearsed! Awesome job team. Way to be the bartender for the rest of us.
Another up: Played the new Rhodes today! Hooked up some pedals to it. Had a phaser going at one point and a wah at another… we’ll just leave the wah to the guitar guys. Some things just weren’t suppose to go with a keyboard.
Another down: Didn’t use the Rhodes in the service. But we will next week…!!!! 🙂
The services today did go great. The worship was solid and Dan did a great job delivering a much needed message on Sexual Purity. We threw in the song “Slow Fade” by Casting Crowns to help drive the message home. I hope that people really take this message to heart and build guard rails in their lives to stay pure.