Finding Your True North
Leadership Summit :: Session 3 :: Bill George
3 Reasons to let others lead
- We have knowledge workers and people in the organization know more than their bosses.
- Okay, I didn’t catch 2 or 3
- see above
3 Jobs of a leader
- Align people around our values, mission and priorities
- Empower people to step up and lead
- Serve
- Collaborate
Passion to lead is not in competency but in your life story.
Becoming an Empowering Leader
- Understand the purpose of your leadership.
- Build your personal awareness
- Get feedback. Evaluate.
- Dialogue with others
- Understand your values
- Follow your motivations
- Build a support team around you
- Lead an integrated life
What have you done today to make a difference in the world?
Failure to lead is a failure to lead yourself.