Just Courage: Charging the Darkness
Leadership Summit :: Session 2 :: Gary Haugen
International Justice Mission
- God’s passion for the World.
Injustice about the abuse of power that takes away something that God intends for man to have. Eccl 4:1
What does injustice look like?
God is passionate about Justice
God’s plan for working out justice in the world.
– We’re the light, and God’s plan
– Is 1:17;
If you want your leadership to matter, lead the things that matter to God.
How do we lead when the task seems hopeless?
- Recenter the basis of our hope. (Who God is and what He wants to do)
- Ill: Jesus feeding the 5,000 (“Give it to me”)
- If God is passionate about getting it done, He is responsible for getting it done.
How do we lead when the task seems scary?
How do we lead others on a more demanding climb?
4 Choices to effectively lead:
- Choose not to be safe
- Seek deep spiritual help
- Seek excellence
- Choose joy.