I led worship for staff today and tried to do something different than just singing. I opened with Let God Arise. It was funny, I forgot the words to the 1st verse, so before I started singing, I asked Jared to put the 1st verse up on the screen so I could see it.

After that song, (which besides the 1st verse fiasco went really well) we did Open the Eyes of My Heart. After the first time through the chorus and revisiting the verse, I read (while having it up on the screens) Psalm 96: 1-10.

At this point I asked them to take a piece of paper and a pen (which I had placed on the tables ahead of time) and write out whatever they would like to tell God. Whether it was praise, gratefulness, fear, frustration, disappointment or love. Write God a new song or a Psalm. I was worried, because this could have been a big hit or a flat-out strike-out. Thank goodness, it was a hit.

People were writing and I don’t know what they were writing, but it was true modern Psalms that were from their hearts. A couple of them shared theirs and the were really good.

Thanks to the staff for going with this crazy worship leader on a different course.

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