Flamingo Road church

Great signage pointing mr where to park and where to walk

Doors opened at 10 til

Candles were lit on different tables in the foyer and sanctuary

Live text going throughout the service on the tv screens facing the audience

Opened with a strong song of worship. The lights went out and the stage was only backlit.

You Deserve (Hillsong)

Blessed be your name (band and singers changed spots, female singers came from behind stage to lead song while male vox stepped into background)

Casablanca video clip

Special song (a love song sang by an amazing singer)

Welcome by the worship leader, new series (upbeat regular music underneath) 30 secs max

Handshake 20secs

Troy Gramling with piano padding behind him as he talks about the last weeks message and giving.

Troy Talked about the cup of seed we were handed when we walked in. He Invited the people to come to the closest 8ft crosses around the church to cast their seed which was a representation of last weeks offering and a symbol of their life being in Christ.

Aamazing Grace my chains are gone


You are My King as communion was being passed

Troy came out to lead everyone in communion while piano padded

Bumper video (love boat love song)

Troy and his wife came out and did a pastors appreciation thank you for their staff pastors

Tag Team Message by Troy and Stephanie

1 Cor 10:13
Matthew 4:1

Video of the marshmellow test (video of kids in a room after being told that if they didn’t eat the marshmellow on the plate they would be given another one when she returns. It was a cute video that had tension and humor.

Three C’s to Sexual Fulfillment
1) Celebrate Our Love
– 1 Cor 6:16-17
John 8:10-11

2) Capture Your Mind
Matt 5:27-27
If you feed your lust it will crow into a monster.
Lust is the ultimate form of selfishness
Romans 8:5-7
To kill the monster of lust, avoid that which tempts us

3) Cherish His/Her Body
1 Cor 7:3-5
Eph 5:25-28

Sexual Intimacy and our relationship with God
Eph 5:25-28 this is the picture that God wants us to have of he wants his relationship to be with the church

Ha. Someone just texted and it went up on the screen “I really need to get married. ”

Prayer as piano padded.

Talked about next weeks message and teased them to return.

Prepped for offering. (give to be obedient and change the world)

Video about ways to stay connected
Text, Twitter, website

Closed the service

Please excuse any typos or lack of better description, I’m posting this on my iPhone.

2 thoughts on “Flamingo Road Highlights

  1. Thanks for your thorough review …

    Definately way more detailed than the order we had on stage … haha .. but i guessed it worked out as planned… 🙂

    Glad you visited…


  2. Thanks for sharing your notes of the service. Sounds like a great church. May God continue to bless all churches that still lift up the name of Christ to their communities. I am so proud of you son, and the great work you do for the King. Love the things and the thoughts you post!

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