This is the new debate that KU/Big 12 fans are in. Voice your opinion.

Do you think Lew Perkins will fire Coach Mangino?

Click on your answer below


Do you think Coach Mangino should be fired?

Click on your answer below


I’d love to hear why you voted the way you did by commenting below.

3 thoughts on “Voice Your Opinion on KU’s Coach Mangino

  1. Mangino should have pounded the running plays if nothing else time clock management. While I'm thrilled MU won, I think Mangino cost himself a job tonight.

    1. I think you're right about him losing his job. Haven't heard anything today though. Personally, I don't think he should go, after-all, he did turn a mediocre team into a bowl-winner/contender and has become KU's most winning coach.

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