This weekend was proof that you can’t hit a home run every week. Some weeks, the worship is engaging and the people are with you, and other weeks – you just feel as if you are leading to deaf ears. That’s what this weekend was like. Not that it was bad, it was just people didn’t engage as much as they normally do.
Why wasn’t it a homerun? I don’t know. If I did, I’d write a book. It could have been a number of variables:
- It was a stormy weekend with Tornado warnings on Saturday.
- School activities
- It could have been that we did 4 original songs.
- People could have been in a weird space.
- Sound could have been off.
- Lights might not have been set right.
Even though it wasn’t a home run, it wasn’t a strike out. It just reminds us to do our best every week and let God do the rest.
The weekend set was:
Alive And Running
What I Need
Teach Me to Love You
How Wonderful
In the Splendor
Here are some pics from the day:

I used to travel the country with a traveling drama ministry. Every now and then we would have similar nights, when we felt like we weren't connecting with our audience. We would usually discover that those nights were the ones that touched people the most. We would end up being blessed by realizing that our audience wasn't necessarily the people in front of us, but rather our creator.
Be blessed by knowing that your collective efforts do make a connection, even if it may only be to an audience of one. 🙂
Dave and I were at the 5:00 on Saturday and we really enjoyed the worship. In fact we were talking later about how we love "Teach Me To Love You". I think it doesn't have to feel like a home run in order to be used. Sometimes God doesn't let us see what He's up to. He's still working.
Thanks John and Debbie. Good encouraging words. Thanks for all you two do. It's great to be on the team and serve God with you!