New Series

We began an new series on Thanksgiving weekend called “Rock Your World.” I know… beginning a series on a Holiday weekend… smart? Don’t know yet, but we needed to begin on this weekend in order to fit in what we wanted to communicate and to take advantage of the Holiday momentum.

Rock Your World is our series to align Missionally with what we want to see God do in our church, community and world. At the end of this series we will be asking people to write down what they want to give to Impact 2011. (We aren’t calling it a pledge… just cause.) This year, this ask will be a little different. Taking a lead from others in the country, we are asking people to include what they anticipate on tithing next year. So in essence, we are asking for their total giving in 2011 including both the tithe and Impact (Mission) giving.

The idea behind this new philosophy is that what we do here at our building (what our tithes go to) is just as missional as the ministries we have in our communities and in our other countries (traditionally termed Missions). This shift in philosophy is driving this series and we believe that when we live missionally, God will Rock Our World.

Big Idea for this series: When you fully surrender to Jesus, He will Rock Your World.

Week One Recap | Rock Your City

We created a bumper that tells the Westside story. Props to Wes Koetje and Jared for making it happen and to Sam McCord for lending us his vocal talents.

Big idea for this teaching: when I fully surrender to Jesus, He will change how I relate to the people around me.

Acts 2:42-45; Acts 4:34

How does Jesus rock your relationships when you surrender?

  • You get a heart for those you already love. (they devoted themselves to the fellowship … all the believers were together)
  • Commitment to fellowship and unity
  • You get a heart for the hurting around you. (selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need)
  • Commitment to sacrifice and action

Week 1 Set List

24 Hours | Troy Kennedy
All Creation Sing | Fee
Desert Song | Hillsong United
Be The Center | Passion: Hungry

Week Two | Rock Your Community

Big idea for this teaching: when I fully surrender to Jesus, He will change my heart for my community.

  • Open Your Eyes | Matthew 13:16-17
  • Check Your Pulse | Ephesians 2: 9-10
  • Grow Your Backbone | 2 Timothy 1:6–7
  • Raise Your Voice | Proverbs 31:8-9

Week 2 Set List

The Beauty of Christmas | Troy Kennedy
Angels We Have Heard On High | North Point Christmas Album
Tear Down the Walls | Hillsong United
Take My Life | Passion (for close of service)

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