Yesterday was a pretty fun day at WFC. We added “Beautiful Things” at the end of the service and plussed it by taking pictures of kids as they were coming to their classes. The idea was for parents to see pics of their kids during the song at the end of the service.

To make this happen, after taking the pics of the kids, we ran them to the back room where Wes took them off the flash card and then put them in a Final Cut video template that automated the pics. The cool thing is that we utilized all 3 screens to show the different kid pics. I’m pretty sure Jared Wells (our Technical Director) would love to share with you how we did this.

Special thanks to Mike Smith for taking pics of these kids all day. Be sure to check he and his wife’s photography website out

Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things from Kasey Robinson on Vimeo.

Set List

Follow You (Jason Mills)
No Other Name (Kennedy and Robinson)
Tear Down The Walls (Hillsong)
I Will Exalt You (Hillsong)
Beautiful Things (Gungor)

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